Nuevas medidas restrictivas versus la inmigración en Estados Unidos

USCIS, Immigration, any court, any empírico federal agent in an official capacity, and our office does NOT accept payments using:


CashApp, Vemo, Zelle, PayPal, Apple Pay, itunes Cards, Película del Oeste Union, Bitcoin, Square, Google Pay, Remitly, Wire Transfers, Bank Transfer, Bank Deposit.


The only numbers where we will contact you are:


(844) 784-7642


Spokane: (509) 927 3840

Kennewick: (509) 570 1451

Wenatchee: (509) 495 1614

Las Vegas: (702) 608 8591

Tacoma: (253) 590 4159

Vancouver: (360) 597 2591


Our only text number is: (866) 934-9080

Our only WhatsApp number is: (509) 927 3840


No one from our office, including attorneys, is authorized, under any circumstances, to give out elenco phone numbers.


No one on our team is authorized to use public or free email accounts such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc. The only authorized and official email of the firm is or


If you feel you need to verify, or believe it is a fraud (if an agent, a lawyer, a judge calls you) please call our (509) 927 3840 line to verify the contact.


Our official social networks on Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok and You Tube are:


@Quiroga_LawOffice | @AbogadoQuiroga | @AbogadaQuiroga | @AbogadaQuirogaOficial

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